Game Design

True Lies V1

Date: 19.01.18

True Lies V1 is the product of a collaboration between me and my classmate for our final year project. The idea was to create an portfolio piece of work that we ourselves were happy with and we could showcase to employers in the future. V1 is the result of semester one which was spent planning and researching the story, setting, characters, location, play-ability, core game mechanics, house plan, script among various other elements. As you can tell we want this to be a short demo which you play and come away wanting more, but as we were limited for time we couldn't make our vision live up to our expectations but in semester two we plan moving forward this project but in VR. Below you can see screenshots of the environment, a summary of the games story and a link to play a very short demo if you please:

This is the detective's investigation board on our antagonist

The story is about a detective who is called to check out a disturbance in Rocky River, Cleveland, Texas. On arriving he discovers the front door to be unlocked and proceeds in with caution, after investigating the house to find out what happened, he uncovers the owner of the house and his sinister past. Further into the investigation he finds that there is a serial killer in the house with him. Trapped with no help, a deadly game of cat and mouse ensues.

A peak into the room from the hallway

A look into the living room

Using the zoom feature

An overview of the living room

A look from angle 2

Angle 3

Coffee table with various props

Detailed look at the painting

Using the inspection mechanic to have a closer look at different objects

Depth of Field

High Res shot of various props

Inspection Mechanic close up

Interaction with a prop

Flashlight and post-process effects

Static TV interaction

VCR Player interaction

Polaroid Camera interaction

Cabinet Overview

Download from the link below, extract the zip file, play:

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